Goodbye 2020; Hello 2021

2020 has been quite the year. It’s the one year that we all want to forget and assume never happened as we embrace 2021 but in reality it’s the year that we will always remember.

2020 has been quite the year. It’s the one year that we all want to forget and assume never happened as we embrace 2021 but in reality it’s the year that we will always remember.

For some of us it has been a difficult year forcing us to deal with our deepest fears, creating deep wounds and causing great grief. At the same time; it has been one of the best for some who have set up new projects, gone beyond their expectations and delivered far more than they thought they could.

It’s a gentle reminder of the reality that is the life we live here on earth and God’s superiority. We make plans for the future but only God can ascertain that future. This is the biggest lesson that I have learnt this year.

I have also learnt to plan for the future but live each day as it comes. It’s no use procrastinating starting that business, telling that special someone how you feel about them or even going for your dream holiday just do it if you can. You will be thankful you did as the years go by.

Lastly, I have learnt to embrace each season whether good or bad and try and look for the good however small in any season. When covid hit and we were all stuck at home; my extroverted self wondered how we would survive until I thought to take advantage of the season and do all those things that I had always wanted to do but couldn’t because there was just no time. I took advantage of the time and learnt new recipes, finished pending online courses and most importantly rested as much as I could.

I look forward to 2021 with renewed hope of a better year and definitely more blog posts for your lovely selves. See you soon and until then; keep smiling and embracing joy.

What are your takeaways as we close the year? What lessons have you learnt this year? Share with us at the comment section below.