Social Media: Why Control is Necessary

Human beings are social beings. We are not created to keep to ourselves. We are meant to interact with one anther. However, this becomes difficult when we are constantly glued to our devices.

Image Source: Pixabay

Social media has since inception, grown to be a necessity in our lives today. This is where news breaks first before spreading on to other channels. It is where we share our happy moments and milestones as well as important news that we want to reach the most number of people as fast as possible.

The most common social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and Snapchat; all platforms with millions if not billions of users worldwide. That said, we can conclude that we really cannot do away with social media. However, caution must be practised when dealing with this tool and controlled usage effected.

If not used properly, the negative effects of Social media always outweigh the positive effects. Frequent usage can lead to increased feelings of unhappiness and isolation in the long run.

This is how social media can be affecting you unknowingly.


Human beings are social beings. We are not created to keep to ourselves. We are meant to interact with one anther. However, this becomes difficult when we are constantly glued to our devices. Moreover, we often come across as rude or disinterested when focusing on our phones in a social gathering or when in the company of others. The result: we fail to create and maintain meaningful relationships.


Social media is set in such a way that people never post sad things or ‘imperfections’. Most posts are filled with stories of people having a good time, beautifully edited pictures, that event that just could not be missed etc.

When constantly viewing these posts daily and for some people for over six hours a day, comparison kicks in. We start comparing our lives and ourselves to these people and start getting feelings of inadequacy.

We fail to realise that we only see the good side of these people’s lives. We never have a clue of what they struggle with daily or their insecurities. Maybe if we knew, we would appreciate our lives much better. Moreover we fail to appreciate that we all have different paths in life and different timelines to achieve our goals but in the end we will all get to the finish line if we do not give up.

“When we derive a sense of worth based on how we are doing relative to others, we place our happiness in a variable that is completely beyond our control,” Dr Tim Bono, author of When Likes Aren’t Enough.

Becoming more conscious of the amount of time we spend scrolling through other people’s online profiles could help us focus more on ourselves and boost our self-confidence.


Social media, like photo albums in the past is a great way of recounting good memories and how past events occurred. However, it can also alter the way in which we remember the small details from our experiences.

Most of us spend a lot of time trying to take the perfect photo or video for our next post, all the while not actually taking in the firsthand experience of witnessing it with our own two eyes. In the end, we rely on the post to remind us of how amazing the experience was since we did not allow enough time for our minds to effectively experience and process the moment.

Image source: Pixabay

Mental health

Not only has social media been proven to cause unhappiness, but it can also lead to the development of mental health issues such as anxiety or depression when used too much or without caution.

Social media tends to have us unknowingly concerning ourselves to the feelings of all those people we follow. It exposes us to the daily feelings of all these people at once with each post. The human being is not wired to deal with such pressure and eventually the pressure takes a toll on us. 


The importance of sleep cannot be emphasised enough. However, most of us are guilty of using our phones too soon before going to bed. This makes it harder to doze off and affects the quality of our sleep. The anxiety or envy that emanates from what we see on social media keeps the brain on high alert, preventing us from falling asleep. Not to mention the light from our mobile device just inches from our face that tends to suppress the release of melatonin, a hormone that helps us feel tired.

Staying away from computer and phone screens 40 minutes to 1 hour before bed can really improve the quality of sleep.

Attention span

Social media has allowed us to have a wealth of easily accessible entertainment. The brain naturally lures one to wards the less tedious tasks that are relaxing. It is why being lazy is far much easier to working hard.

Now social media provides the entertainment that one can walk with. This has resulted to people constantly checking on their phones when having free time and sometimes even when busy. People have become far more easily distracted which has negative effects on productivity.

If you are unable to stay away from your phone for a few hours, then you would do well to practise exercising your willpower on occasion. 

Do you feel like you relate to any or all of the above? You do not necessarily have to quit social media. You only need to limit your time and experience life in its fullness. You could consider allocating social media-free time slots during your daily routine. The slight change could go a long way.

Narcissism: Prevention and Protecting Oneself

For the people in the Narcissist’s life, it is often easier to go along with their demands to avoid the coldness and rages. An approach that is in the long run harmful to those in the Narcissist’s environment. So how can people protect themselves?

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in different areas of life including relationships, work, school or financial affairs. Narcissists make it completely difficult to live with them. They tend to be generally sad and displeased when not given special favours or when things do not go their way. As a result they react very badly to anyone not going along with their script.

They are also extremely resistant to changing their behaviour even when it is causing them problems. For the people in the Narcissist’s life, it is often easier to go along with their demands to avoid the coldness and rages. An approach that is in the long run harmful to those in the Narcissist’s environment. So how can people protect themselves?

Protection Strategies

Be cautious of the fantasy

Narcissists tend to be very charming. They are good at creating a fictional, flattering self-image that draw people in. Their easiest prey is the person with a low self-esteem. This is because the shakier the person’s self-esteem the more seductive the Narcissist’s allure. Narcissists make people feel that they can fulfil other people’s longing to feel more important but this is false. Narcissists neither fulfil nor even recognise other peoples needs. They constantly seek attention and validation and once you stop giving them that, you are no longer of value to their life hence they get rid of you.

Look at the way the narcissist treats others.That is a window to how he or she will treat you. Do not lie to yourself that you are a special case who will be handled differently. Others before you probably thought the same and only got hurt. Spare yourself the pain.

See the narcissist in your life for who they really are, not who you want them to be. Neither excuse bad behaviour nor condone it. Denial will only make matters worse and the reality is that narcissists are very resistant to change. The true question is whether that is behaviour you can condone for life.

Set healthy boundaries

Healthy relationships are based on mutual respect and caring. However, narcissists are not known for reciprocity in their relationships. It is not just that they are not willing; they truly are not able. You do not exist outside of their own needs. As a result, narcissists regularly violate the boundaries of others.

They will go through your things, eaves drop on conversations, snoop through your phone and personal items, give unwanted opinion and advice, steal your ideas and feel nothing about it. As a result to be safe ; it is up to you to set the boundaries. Be strict with your boundaries too and do not hesitate to keep a safe distance when the boundaries are violated.

Do not take things personally

Narcissists as already established, live in a world of fantasy where they are ever right and perfect. They will never accept their shortcomings and if you point these shortcomings out they are likely to project their faults on you. They will thus blame you for something you haven’t done or characterise you with negative traits you don’t possess in a bid to protect themselves.

Difficult as it may be, try not to take it personally. It really is not about you. Do not argue or make the mistake of buying into the Narcissist’s version of who you are because that together with a lot of things about them are just in the fantasy world. Know and accept yourself for who you are and let go of the need for approval.

Look for support elsewhere

If you choose to keep the Narcissist in your life or cannot have him or her out of your life then look for support elsewhere. Spend time with people who give you an honest reflection of who you are to avoid buying into the Narcissist’s distortions. Also, make new friendships outside the narcissist’s orbit. Some narcissists achieve power play by isolating the people in their lives to better control them. Do not let this happen.


Because the cause of narcissistic personality disorder is unknown, there’s no known way to prevent the condition. However, it may help to:

  • Seek treatment as soon as possible if you think you or a loved one possess Narcissistic characteristics
  • Get treatment as soon as possible for childhood mental health problems
  • Participate in family therapy to learn healthy ways to communicate or to cope with conflicts or emotional distress
  • Attend parenting classes and seek guidance from therapists or social workers if needed to avoid raising a Narcissist

Finding Healing in Brokenness

Pain is not always a bad thing. It may look that way and always does in the beginning but on healing properly, there are a few lessons that we learn. It strengthens and enables us reflect on our own selves leading to improvement in our personalities, future and current relationships.

Divorce picture

Break ups whether in relationships or in friendships can feel like the worst type of pain to go through. They leave us feeling damaged, hurt and demoralized among a myriad of emotions. Moreover, if not careful, we go on to hurt others around us due to our pain. Think of yourself at that point as a piece of broken glass. Anyone who touches you is bound to get hurt. More often than not, we want to curl up and let the pain consume us or ignore the pain and go about our lives like nothing has happened. Both of these approaches are detrimental to our mental health and general well being.

However, pain is not always a bad thing. It may look that way and always does in the beginning but on healing properly, there are a few lessons that we learn. It strengthens and enables us reflect on our own selves leading to improvement in our personalities, future and current relationships.

When faced with such an ordeal, it is advisable to:

  • Embrace the pain. Cry if you need to. Let people know you aren’t okay and if you need help, ask for help from those who care about you.
  • Talk about it. Get objective opinions from your wise close friends or family and listen.
  • Reflect. Ask yourself what your role was in the break up and what your friend or partner’s role was. If you knew all along that your friend or partner was bad for you, ask yourself why you stayed. If you were the one on the wrong, ask yourself why you felt the need to behave that way.
  • Get help. If you caused the break up or stayed in a bad relationship because of say your anger management issues, addiction, intense insecurities, personality disorder or anything else that might need professional help, get help. Talk to a psychologist, counselor, church leader or anyone else trained to offer help in such areas.Click on the link if you would like to get help or send me an email.
  • Work towards improving and healing. Once you have done all the above, act on what you have been advised to do and be cautious not to have a repeat episode. Make it your personal goal not to have history repeat itself and embrace the future. Don’t be negative, you experienced pain and learned a lot. You caused pain and equally learned from it. As you do this, you will find yourself automatically forgiving the person who hurt you and forgiving yourself if you were on the wrong. 


Lastly I would advise you to pray and put your trust and faith in the Lord. In fact, I think this is the first thing you should do. It is in our pain that we are most vulnerable and helpless most likely to let God work in us and bring the joy He always wants in our life.

During a certain youth gathering I had some days back, a certain lady pointed out that if you never want to be shaken by the happenings of this world, you should put your hope, trust and faith in God. I believe that she is right. Human beings have the tendency to make mistakes and that will always be the case. God on the other hand can never let us down and when given a chance He proves this to us over and over again.

It is in accepting that as humans, we aren’t perfect and will always hurt each other even when we don’t want to, that we can learn to truly love others. In accepting this, we also acknowledge that we wrong God every single day yet he loves us the same and never tires of forgiving us. So, above all we will love and forgive others not because they deserve to be loved but because despite our unworthiness, God still loves us. In knowing this, every time you experience pain and brokenness, the situation will never destroy you. Your mind is powerful, use its power for your good.

Building A Healthy Relationship

More often than not seeking a relationship to combat feelings of loneliness and feel complete never yields the desired results.

“If only I could get a partner. I would feel very happy and complete.” This is a statement that most of us have either heard, said or thought. We believe based on societal narratives that our feeling empty or lonely will be cured by having a partner. A short story that I read a while back about a girl named Jane further highlighted this.

Jane had been feeling lonely and sad for a very long time.She kept marveling at her friends and people on social media who were in what seemed to be happy relationships, thinking these were the happiest people.couple-1030744_960_720 She couldn’t wait for the day that she would also get a share of this happiness. Eventually, she got a boyfriend and was very happy. However, this happiness did not last. Once the excitement of finally being in a relationship died down, the feelings of sadness and loneliness slowly started to creep back in. She couldn’t understand why at this point because he earnestly cared for and loved her.

More often than not seeking a relationship to combat feelings of loneliness and feel complete never yields the desired results. This is because people who feel complete as individuals, get irritated when with those who can’t survive by themselves. They don’t understand why their constant presence is such a big determinant to their partners’ happiness. This would mean that for the relationship to thrive they have to be there for the other party all the time and not have a life of their own. Eventually they reach a breaking point unable to keep up and the relationship breaks.

The other lot who are equally feeling lonely will welcome those who share the same feelings. These people will seek to be filled by each other,constantly being together, their lives revolving around each other but always fail. The reason being, one cannot give what one does not have. The loneliness as a result persists.couple-black-nigeria-relationship

What many people do not realise is that nobody can make you feel complete except yourself. The people in the most successful relationships are usually those who are happy and at peace with themselves whether in or out of a relationship. The relationship does not define them. They retain their individuality and are able to properly go about their lives when their partners are not around.

If you tend to constantly want to be around your partner and get sad when he/she spends time with others away from you then you are not in love but actually needy. A big strain to relationships. You probably have a personal issue that you need to find within you and solve. Before getting into a relationship, work on your weaknesses and insecurities. This will help you among others, grow as a person and build a successful relationship.

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