Leibster Award : A sneak peak into my life

I love my heart. The fact that I can genuinely love and care for others even when they don’t deserve it.

In my thoughts of what to share this month. At the top of my mind was to write a blog post on Anxiety and start this series like I did with the Depression Link and Narcissism Link series.

However a certain talented writer friend of mine named Tushy whose blog entries I always look forward to; nominated me for an award and just like that the topic was changed. 

The award is called Leibster award and it is an award for writers by writers. Click here to view the piece she wrote when she nominated me and also don’t forget to subscribe to her blog! It’s a great honour to be nominated by your talented self Tushy.

Rules for the award

1.Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog..
2.Answer the questions given to you.
3.Share 11 facts about you.
4.Ask your nominees 11 questions.
5.Notify your nominees once you’ve uploaded your post.

Tushy’s Questions for me:

What irks you most about our society today?

The selfish nature we have grown to adopt where we only think about our interests and completely disregard the effects of our actions.

Is there something you love most about yourself? Like an ability/character about yourself that you love?

I love my heart. The fact that I can genuinely love and care for others even when they don’t deserve it.

What book are you currently reading?

I have a wide range of books that I am reading*insert chuckle* however I would go with Born a Crime by Trevor Noah.

If you had to choose between rice and chapati, what would you pick? Well cooked chapati any time!

Which African author inspires you? Ngugi wa Thiong’o at the moment.

Do you have a favourite YouTuber? Name them

>>On Money & Investments

Money-Wise with Rina Hicks

 Manyara Kirago

>>On Fashion

Slizer Mita

Are you an early bird or a night owl? Forever the night owl!

Flats or heels? Heels

Dresses or pants? Dresses

Dishes or laundry? Dishes without a doubt

11 Facts about me

1. I love God

2. I love my sleep

3. I appreciate hard work & discipline

4. I was once a poet

5. I sing sometimes

6. I treasure my family & friends

7. I am social

8. If I can help; I will help

9. I take mental health very seriously

10. Swimming is the only sport I can never get bored of.

11. My motivation to write is to educate.

I nominate another talented writer, sister and best friend of mine Melanie. Her blog Sema dana ; visit her blog to understand what I am talking about. She has me begging for more each time I finish reading a piece. My questions for you dear one:

1.If you would change anything in today’s society, what would it be?

2.Any documentaries, movies or books that have given you a new perspective on life? Name them

3.What is your dream holiday destination?

4. What is the one thing that you would never want to change about yourself?

5. What advise would you give your 18 year old self?

6. What do you think the society should embrace more?

7. Fashion or Food?

8. Books you would recommend as must read? Name them

9. What is the one thing that you think we take too seriously and yet we should not?

10. What advise would you give someone searching for love?

11. A career in law, what is your take?


Life Diaries